Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Ok, ok, so I HAD intended to make an earlier post, but so many PERSONAL things have happened that it has been a serious roller-coaster over here. Good news, Bad news and very surprising news have piled up, but at last, here it is.

New Year was quiet this time, but enjoyable, and again I cooked up a storm, and Stacey made a delicious Apple Pie to finish off dinner.

There have been some developments, such as me getting a real job (finally) and Essays still hanging around my head. Lectures have started again, much to my delight/disgust and life slowly will seep back into a routine :P

I sent lots if not all of you Christmassy-New Year emails so I hope you got them! Anyway, if you didn't get it or it got somehow sent to the SPAM folder... I do wish you all a good New Year. (Well, all except "Me!me!" who's pissed me off so often with her selfish ways.)

Im posting a picture of how the dinner looked like (before the massacre):

Coca-Cola, Champagne, Wines, Beer (Old Speckled Hen)... my much-loved roast chicken with potatoes, and an escalopes/asparagus/bacon entree... it was a very nice dinner. :) I'm quite proud of it.