So, México...
I've been here for more than a month now and many things have happened since.
A week and a half after my arrival I ended up in Anaheim, CA, in the US for the internationally famous Anime Expo 2005. I should have posted about it earlier, but several... issues needed to be... resolved before hand. Suffice it to say that the repercusions of said events still linger over several individuals perception of right and wrong. But most of us have already began the road towards healing. Duuude. Peace.
Anyway. Afterwards I went camping. I love camping. I know several friends who would DIE if they attempted to survive in a few places we've camped before (I know some that have ended with broken bones... ^_^ accidental, of course.) but this time we tried... Tepoztlan.
Regardless of how cool and wild the place looks from the picture (click here it for more pictures of the place from the original owner), the truth is that we stayed in a designated camping area where we had the misfortune of having to share with: 1 Kids Camp (Complete with extremely dumb cheerleeders) 1 YMCA group and 1 group of priests. Fortunately, they didn't try to convert anyone (heh, would have liked to see them try...) but it was noisy and annoying and worst of all they have no manners whatsoever.
I spent the nights Storytelling for a Vampire: The Masquerade adventure. And don't even get me started on that crap "Requiem". White Wolf... if you want to control the "Power Players" then think of another way than messing such a cool game.
The following weeks will include a trip to Tampico (which is very far north), possibly a visit to Guanajuato (also north) for a Literature Congress and hopefully a trip to Chiapas (very, very far south, almost on the border with Guatemala). We shall see what transpires there.
Now, for the title of the present post... Racism. defines Racism:
rac·ism (rs
- The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
- Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Right. I won't deny that Japanese and Chinese are Xenophobic. It's true. It is a sad but undenyable truth. Specially with each other and the Koreans. But, it doesn't mean that if Luffy uses an Afro, or that Director Watanabe appears with afros in Excel Saga and Puny Puny Poemi it's to make fun of black people.
So, who are the ones insulted by this? Racists themselves. That's my conclusion. Censors are racist and people that find little tiny details that anyone with a brain would ignore but they hang on to as if their lives depended on it are also racist. At this point in time you will ONLY say something or another is racist if, and only if you are actually looking for excuses on a regular basis. What does basic psychology say about that?
Let me use an example. It is said that out of a group of 100 Homophobics, at least 85% will have homosexual tendencies or predispositions. Same goes for racism.
Racism exists only as long as people actively look for it. And, while a lot of people always get into fights over racism against blacks, let me point something out. MOST Black Stand Up Comedians make racist jokes about being black and/or how it makes whites get all racist.
The way I see it, doing that kind of crap indicates that the comedian himself (black, white, yellow or blue) is a racist to some level. Oh, you might argue that the fact that they make jokes about it means that they're not. To be fair, I will concede that a few, and very few of them might actually fall into that category. But why then bring it up again and again? By now it should be OLD. Why keep at it?
Like censors and elitist groups, they just keep fanning the flames... and as long as they keep it up, it won't dissappear.
But be warned: Being a racist or having something categorized as "racist" like in the comics mentioned above, just because a character has dark skin or an afro, is just an indication of how limited your view is, and therefore, how sad your miserable little existance will be.
Another thing that really bugs me is how people always see (and find) racism against black people, but ignore other forms that could be considered as such. Like that idiot Speedy Gonzalez. You want racism? There it is. It's a mouse. It's supposed to represent Mexicans in general. It dresses in a way that most mexicans (unless they live in very rural areas) don't dress like. It implies that all mexicans are simple minded like him. And do you get the Mexican government asking for Warner to remove it? No!
Bush Quote of Stupidity:
"I hope I stand for anti-bigotry, anti-Semitism, anti-racism. This is what drives me."
(Did someone explain to him what "Anti-Semitism" actually means? Or does he really hate Jews?)
I've spoken.