Thursday, September 15, 2005

Leaving Menzoberranzan

... or rather, Mexico City.

For those unfamiliar with Menzoberranzan it is the dreaded City of the Drow in the UNDERDARK... ooo.... anway. The only rule there is NOT to get caught doing something illegal. (Like murder) Even if people KNOW you did it, as long as there is no evidence left (such as survivors of noble birth) then its fair game, and if you were pretty impressive they will aplaude your efforts in being evil in such a... "civilized" manner. Just like Mexico city!

Here people can run-over several individuals on motorcylces and be free the next morning. Stage phony voting polls, get outvoted negatevly, but do it anyway.

Come to think of it, you can also get caught in camera shoving lots of money into a bag, then, when its full put it in their pockets. Get caught using government money for bets in Las Vegas... and be free!

Yes, this place is a seething pool of political corruption out of biblical proportions. But, the food is good and there are a few decent people and places still left. :p

Mexico City is a nice place anyway. I mean, I can always convince the police to ignore some minor crimes. Like drinking in public places. As long as Kaput is NOT THERE. Anyway, if he is there, then we need money. ^_^

Anyway, for all that it's worth, Mexico City is really great besides those tiny details, and I'll miss it as soon as I leave. Mostly my friends.

So, see ya all in London!

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Score
CategoryYour ScoreAverage
Will kill for XP
Sensitive Roleplaying26%
All the game's your stage
GM Experience66%
Ran a module once or twice
Systems Knowledge85%
Played in a couple of campaigns
Livin' La Vida Dorka52%
Has interesting conversations in public
You are 59% pure
Average Score: 68.8%

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

During this crisis you failed us.

I don't need to point out the suffering and fear people from New Orleans have gone through these last few days. I think most everyone in the world knows about it by now. How is it that a government that has troops across the world in less than 24 hours cannot act to save their own?
You know what? Al Gore would have been there because he was not worried about looking messianic and ending up looking like a wimp. Figures it would have to be the self-proclaimed reincarnation of God, George Bush, who would still be in "power" to prove how helpless he STILL is against a crisis in his own doormat.

Anne Rice, NY Times OP-ED...

Now nature has done what the Civil War couldn't do. Nature has done what the labor riots of the 1920's couldn't do. Nature had done what "modern life" with its relentless pursuit of efficiency couldn't do. It has done what racism couldn't do, and what segregation couldn't do either. Nature has laid the city waste - with a scope that brings to mind the end of Pompeii.


But to my country I want to say this: During this crisis you failed us. You looked down on us; you dismissed our victims; you dismissed us. You want our Jazz Fest, you want our Mardi Gras, you want our cooking and our music. Then when you saw us in real trouble, when you saw a tiny minority preying on the weak among us, you called us "Sin City," and turned your backs.

Well, we are a lot more than all that. And though we may seem the most exotic, the most atmospheric and, at times, the most downtrodden part of this land, we are still part of it. We are Americans. We are you.

I have seen and lived through Natural Disasters. Granted, I was just a kid back then. But, to those that accuse Mexico of being a third-world country with oh, so many faults, I'll say this: we are one of many, but we never, ever, fail to help each other out in a crisis like this.

My sincere hopes for the restoration of New Orleans and of their lives go to that nigh-magical city which I was only able to see through its literature and poems. And I know, it will be back, stronger... because magic isn't destroyed that easily.


And Bush says:

"We've got a lot of rebuilding to do ... The good news is — and it's hard for some to see it now — that out of this chaos is going to come a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house — he's lost his entire house — there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch." (Laughter) —President Bush, touring hurricane damage, Mobile, Ala., Sept. 2, 2005

And what was the President doing while all those people suffered? Wanna know?