So, starting next month, "Digimon Savers" will start airing in Japan, and the US guys will not buy the license until 2007! THANK THE GODS.
Larios, if you EVER read this blog, or in fact, Damian or Santo, if you guys see him... ask him for my Digimon VHS! He has them all!
It has been a while since the last Digimon anime, the games keep on comming, but the anime seemed stagnant after the "Digimon X" CGI movie, which wasn't that bad but could have been better, I think.
Now Wolfpack has valiantly strode forth along with SD Project to subtitle the series. Now, I don't know much about SD, but Wolfpack has a tendency to start and not finish their projects, which is very annoying. Hopefully, but unlikely, this time will be different. Another ray of hope comes in the form of the THIRD group of subbers to subtitle the trailer and with a promising calling card by the name of "With the Will". I hope they do have the will as it is, since Digimon series normally range on the 50+ eps.
The main characters (besides the humans, who for once are now Highschool students) are: Agumon, Gaomon and Lalamon. This gives us a Triunvirate of characters much like Digimon Tamers, most likely a few more "Trainers/Savers/Digidestined" or whatever they will be called in this one will appear much deeper into the series. That's good. They learnt the error of their ways with Digimon 02 and too many characters. The 5+ formula only worked once well... in "Digimon Adventure" that's it.
Anyway, we all know Agumon (although this Agumon in particular seems to be much more of a brawler than previous incarnations) and he is the lead character's Digimon. But so far as character design I particularly like Gaomon. This mutt looks like someone took V-mon, an SD version of Renamon, a red bandana and some boxing gloves and threw them into a blender, activated the thing and poured the resulting puree into a mold, let it simmer and take shape and out came Gaomon. Ok, that was rather gross, but seriously, this guy looks cool. Heck, his partner looks like a 16 year old Matt.
On other news, there's also the next release in the .Hack series. Following the first series, the videogames, the OVAs, the manga and the second series comes ".Hack Roots" it looks... well. Pretentious. At least in the Trailer. That won't stop me from watching it though. :p
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I was finally able to transform the Mini-DV films of the Stand Up Comedy night at the Laughing Horse into a DVD! Now I only need to contact the other comedians to get some money back from them! :P
Monday, March 13, 2006
On the day, that I was born...
So, I was born today... most people think it was actually on the 15th, but truth is, that was just an easier date to celebrate my Birthdays. I was born on March the 13th, 1980. And here in Britain it is already the 13th. In any case, here I am, 26 now.
I wouldn't be here though, if it wasn't for many people, my family, for example, but there were several people that affected my life... and that includes every single one of my friends, even the ones that I have lost contact with or become distanced from, some who might not even remember me, some I haven't seen for about 20 years already. For good, and bad, for a little while, or a long time, you guys were there. There's so many of you to thank individually and in as much detail as I would like, and thank you properly, for everything, I can't, but I remember you:
Armando, Amilcar, Aca, Alejandra, Alfredo Salim, Arturo (Chino), Arturo (Intertrack), Betty, Becky, Bau, Damian, David, David Stone, Derek, Diana, Emma, Eduardo Callejas, Ed, Elfie, Erick & Iaquimi Kobayashi, Erick Hernandes, Erin, Fernando, Guillermo, Gustavo, Gerry, Hector Haro, Hector Garzidueñas, Hector (Antybody), Humberto, Hikari-chan, Hugo & Daniel Camou, Helena, Itzel, Ivan, Iker, Jose Luis Genel, Jose Luis (Ikki), Juan (El Juez), Juan Pablo, Jose, Jesus Zurita, Jenny, Joy, Julio (Kroup), Jorge Pratt, Jose Manuel, Jessie, Karla, Kat, Kuko, Kaori, Kiana, Luis (Kaput), Lawrence Dickens, Larios, Miguel Puente, Mizuki, Michael, Omar (Shalom), Omar Sosol, Pako Puente, Pepe Puente, Pablo (si, tu), Rafael Tello, Rolando, Ross, Ripton, Stacey, Shun Kobayashi, Sam, Salvador (El Santo), Santiago Montoya, Sandy, Tuli, Tere, Toño, Vyaney, Yukina...
Guys, you have had an influence in my life, helped me discover things about myself that I liked, and some that I didn't like. I owe much to you. So, even those of you that are not here right now, I do have all of you in mind and I do remember you. Thanks for everything.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Since it came up that a lot of people actually believe despite evidence that the frase: "Something Wicked This Way Comes" originates from Harry Potter, I have decided to have another rant about HP.
But this time, rather than pointing out my dislikes or likes about the HP series, the HP Hardcore Fanatics that call people Muggles, or the intelligence and actual writing ability of J.K. Rowling, I have decided to just... predict the points of the next book and several issues that were left behind.
Please note that, unlike MOST HP Fans that criticise other people's work (like Pratchet's) without ever reading a word he's written, I HAVE read all of the HP books so far, so don't give me shit about "not knowing" what I'm talking about.
So here are my 8 predictions for Book Seven of the Harry Potter series.
- Hoggwarts will be the house of the Resistance, possibly a gathering place for Harry's lot to get together and plan to possibly: a) go look for the missing Harry. b) Plan an attack on Voldemort without telling Harry. c) Gather with him to plan the attack.
- During Bill and Fleur's wedding there IS going to be an attack by the baddies.
- The NEWTs will be as pathetic a test as the OWLS.
- There will be the final, climactic confrontation between Harry and Voldemort. In which both will die and most likely will be revealed that Dumbledore didn't even die in the first place. (Rowling did say that she wouldn't write more fantasy books after the HP series, so, in her ever so astounding array of unexpected twists.. he'll die.
- The character Rowling was talking about when she said that "A non-magical character will perform magic in 'desperate circumstances.'" will be one of the Dursely's. Rowling says that Petunia will NEVER perform magic. We shall see.
- Sirius Black will pull a Mufasa/Simba moment.
- Wormtail will pull a Wormtongue/Saruman moment.
- Harry will learn why Snape is as he is and that he is trully not bad and that he saved Dumbledore's life by shooting him.
Something I found...
Why I hate Harry Potter