DAY 3...
Not much done today, basically dedicated myself to resting about, reading a good book through and through; "The Chinatown Death Clowd Peril" a must-read if you like Pulp Fiction (the actual thing, not Tarantino's film). Then at around 4ish my peace was interrupted when I was dragged to the Florida Mall to watch people buy stuff. At least I got something cool out of it.
We had to wake up early today... to go meet a repre sentative of the Sheraton Vistana Village time share. At 7:30, on my sister's insistence... however, everyone else thought it would be a good idea to wake up at 5AM to get ready.
It was honestly, a waste of time and we had to sit through an hour to two of this woman from Holland that COULD NOT SHUT UP. Seriously. She was doing her damned best to get us to buy something that we didn't want to and we ended up havig to put up with her comrade a while later. Not cool with her flirting with me though... she had kids and all it was more off-putting than convincing enough to waste a shit-load of money on anything.
We ended up going for MORE shopping. Although at least we stopped at an interesting restaurant, "Fish and Bones" good, really really good food.
Comp USA seems to be closing cross-country and Circuit City charges 35 dollars for the service to put in RAM memory in your computer. So just do it yourself.
Day 5
Disney... Magic Kingdom. Wasted a whole day there. I didn't want to be there, but people had to insist. Gods. I like M.K.... I do... with the right people. With my family I'd rather do something else. Seriously. Like... going out to eat. Or shopping (maybe) with them. But I'm not 12 anymore, and even then I didn't want to hang about at snail-pace.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Hello everyone, as some of you might know I ended up in Orlando this time, as an effort to keep the writing spark going I'm going to write what happens here from beginning to end. That does not mean daily updates, but at least a full story....
FIRST DAY- Travel and Arrival
First, the flight was handled by Aeromexico from MEX to ATL, which meant a loooooooooooong wait just to get to the counter. Service SUCKS. Big time.
Then, there was a queue of more than a 100 people waiting... fortunately I used my charms to convince a security guard to let me through and skip the whole thing (If I had boobs it would have been quicker...)
The flight was said to leave at 9:25, we started bording at 9:35 or so. I got a frienship seat, but fortunately, the person to my right, missed the flight. So, I got some space between me and the other person, making the trip a little more enjoyable. The plane wasn't very comfortable, to begin with. They gave us a "continental breakfast" which consists of rabbit food, basically: Fruit, a muffin and a drink.
In Atlanta I got scooped up by security... again. This happened in Chicago too, and I was hoping they had sorted it out but...
It turns out there's this guy with a similar name to mine who the US government is looking for and they have to check all the way with Washington.
So, as you can imagine, having only 1 hour to get through customs, pick the bags, put them through again and reach the next terminal... I missed my flight.
So I had to cajole one of the staff to prompt me up in the standby list to make sure I would make it to Orlando. This was Delta BTW.
Once I made it here, I had to get a shuttle to the hotel, which my dad had failed to mention costs 20 bucks (not too much, but still he had said it was free...) at least I made friends with the driver who took me to Mac Donalds since I hadn't eating ANYTHING since BF. I took the food with me, believing once I got to the hotel it would be quick...
... and check-in was. Nice people at the counter.
Got a shuttle from the hotel to take me to the area I'm supposed to be in, got the the 4th floor... key didn't work. I had to walk back, dragging my stuff to reception for another one. Again, I met the Shuttle guy who I also ended up making friends with. I went up to my room, hungry, annoyed and tired... and the key didn't work.
This time I knocked on the doors on all the floor, but there appeared to be no-one, so I couldn't ask someone to either let me call reception or call for me... but fortunately, I saw a security guy in one of those little golf-cars, so he gave me a ride to the reception again, where they decided to send a technitian. I got a ride back to the room, met the technitian and he opened the door for me, and gave me a new key that works.
The room is ridiculously small and it turns out there was a mix-up with the booking and we were down-graded. Yay. I had to share the sofa-bed with my dad and it wasn't fun.
A great start for the holiday I soooo much wanted, isn't it?
Day Two - Epcot Center
Waking up semi-early wasn't fun either. But, at least it was the start of a new day, right? And not just any day, the 24th of December, a day where we would celebrate Christamas Dinner at Epcot Center (WTF?!)
Most of the morning was spent discussing the virtues of wasting money on tickets for several places and complaining on the front desk about accomodations, all of it accompanied by my reiteration of my intent to stay in the hotel while everyone went out... and get some peace.
We discovered that most supermarkets would be closed on the 25th, so instead of going straight to Epcot, we went shopping. At least, with our final objective being Epcot Center, pushing the cart about in the supermarket was as entertaining as most of the rides there are. Speed-wise at least.
Getting food, we went to the hotel, left it and sped out to Epcot Center.
We got into a few rides, but by then it was quite late, so Mission: Space, was cool, but not something I would go out to recommend despite the high praises my sister insists on delivering about it. Then there is another one called "Test Drive" which is supposed to impress with taking curves with 50 angle on it at 60 MPH, or 100 KpH... which is impressive, I guess, if you've never done something similar and/or driven about with Koba. Otherwise, it's just a random ride and utterly pointless.
We went to the Circle of Life presentation and another tour that deals with greenhouses. The last one mentioned above was pretty interesting, but made annoying with the help of some kids who wanted out half a minute into the ride.
Finally, the main reason we had gone there arrived and we went into the Chefs de France restaurant, where I got escargot and lamb, along with a nice 2001 I-forget-the-brand red wine and some crepes with apple in them. It was a good dinner, spoilt at times by the antics of my companions, but enjoyable nontheless.
Finally, made it back to the hotel, where I am preparing to sleep... alone this time, thanfully. Anyway, I'll keep posting.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Chicago again!
So these last few days I went to visit my friends in Chicago... there is only one word to describe the place right now... SNOW! LOTS and LOTS of snow. It reminded me a bit of London in winter, only colder.
I stayed at my friend's place and basically we all decided that the best things to do were: a) eat good food; b) Go buy stuff; c) Go watch movies at the cinema; and d) watch dvds so we did.
I have to say that, although I have watched Ratatouille more than 20 times, watching it in Blue Ray was a new experience altogether. Simply amazing. The details that came to life that you could not see in the DVD was... a revelation!
Speaking of food, Papadeux is having a 3 Lobster meal for 29.99... that's pretty good if you ask me, and although they were prepared in a rather unimaginative manner, they were very good still. Recomended.
A couple of non-spoiler thoughts about films though...
I am Legend: Did they have to put the "GOD SENT ME" bit in it? I think it was completely unecessary and absurd, considering the plot of the movie itself.
Enchanted: Generally good. But the best was in the trailer except perhaps for the Park song. The girls look much better as cartoons though.
The Golden Compass: WTF? Some stuff stayed in... they rushed the whole thing, ended it where it wasn't supposed to end... wtf?
Monday, December 10, 2007
I guess I'm just posting because it irritates me not to have the willpower to do it as often as I should. I mean, since July I haven't really posted anything at all and a LOT has happened to me:
- Tried to go back to England only to be stopped by a racist customs officer.
- Spent the night in the security room at the Airport (Gadwick).
- Got sent back to Mexico :P
- Found out how useless it is to ask the UK Embassy here for help...
- Joined an RPG here... character: a Bard! ;) Quite cool.
- Got Digimon Dusk and Dawn... (I really liked them :p)
- Got work at United Airlines.
- Got sent to Chicago for Training for 5 weeks...
- Met the group from Argentina that went to train there... (I was the only one from Mex)
- Learnt how to use FastRes....
- Watched "The Sparrow"
- Watched "Wicked" (BTW, I've seen some of the British and Broadway versions and I have to say the Chicago one beats them hands down.)
- Got to go to several different restaurants in Chicago :)
- Came back to Mexico and did a 2 week training in 1 week...
- Watched "Beawolf" (Did they really have to put the Christian add-ons on the film?)
- Quit United Airlines...
- Got offered a job in a company related to Stock Market...
- Joined another RPG group...
- Miss Stacey & the gang terribly...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
July Post...
Me and my big mouth... >< I don't know whether to be very happy or annoyed that now I have until the end of September to get a DS. The only other problem is that in the UK it will probably take LONGER for the games to come out. Damn European game delay.
I guess I'll just get someone to get the American versions for me.
It is July and Stacey and I are in Mexico. I will add more info, but it is quite late right now so, until tomorrow.
Friday, June 15, 2007
It's JUNE!
It is! June, I mean, and lot's of things have happened...

In other news: I moved out of my flat, finally. And now... I don't have an internet connection, so, don't be surprised to see me even less than usual. On the bright side, the lack of internet has allowed me to start writing properly again. It is remarkable just how much time can be wasted between waiting for pages to load or someone to answer an email/instant message.
But that's back on track now, and I hope that it keeps up!

As you can see Elena Roger played (the one in blue) a character in this one. This time, she played an Italian (which, was slightly amusing since I was reminded by Stacey that an Italian man had played an Argentinian character in Evita) she is the Italian Air Hostess Gabriella.
We were also fortunate to have seen Patricia Hodge as Bertha (the maid). She is soon to be replaced by Rhea Perlman (who was in the movie Taxi with Danny DeVito)
On the German side of the story, Doon Mackichan plays Gretchen, and she IS scary at the same time as she is funny. If you think they're falling into cliches don't worry, evey character has enough originallity by themselves, except possibly the American, Gloria, played by Amy Nuttall reveals to be 100% American inthe last part of the play, but I will not spoil it for those that might want to go watch it. Adrian Dunbar (Bernard) and Neil Stuke (Robert) make you laugh constantly through their antics as the city boy and country boy :) Definate must see.

On another note, we ALSO went to watch The Complete Works of William Shakespear (Abrigued) by the Reduced Shakespear Company (of three guys.) While it was not as funny as Boeing Boeing for some people, I will say that it was funny in a different way. It was more slapstick and a basic knowledge of Shakespear is certainly required if you want to get most of the jokes, but it is fast paced and before you know it, you have gone through 37 plays in 96 minutes.
Amusing and worth watching. They have other interesting sounding plays, such as "Starwars Trilogy (Abridged)" Done by one man. Alone.
In any case, should more intersting stuff happen, I will update this post. Later!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Sigh, I just found out that "Nerima Daikon Brothers" was licensed by ADV (Ok, so it's been a while, but I wasn't really paying attention.)... just what we needed, another anime that is fun to watch just about to be destroyed by American Dubbing. ¬¬ I know everyone has an obsession with Nabeshin and his stuff, but... why destroy his work then? This anime has so many songs the characters sing that it is bound to be messed up by the translations and voice acting.Well, we went to Central London to watch Evita with the Argentinian Actress Elena Roger playing the role of Eva Peron... I have to say that she's an a mazing actress and she brought life to Evita much more than anyone I had seen before (obviously much more than Maddona) and she has an amazing voice to boot.
After the show I managed to meet her and she's a really nice person, she also told me about Boeing Boeing which is the next thing she'll be acting on over here, so when I get the chance we're going ^^ we had to leave early (we were hungry as hell) but hopefully she'll agree to have a few pints with us the next time we see her.
And I still find this funny:
Sunday, April 01, 2007
It was my Birthday in March, as you might know. Nothing new happened. I didn't sprout wings or horns, and/or discovered latent mutant powers. So, all in all I am just another year old. Bleh.
I did spend a fun time with Stacey, Sam and Becky though :)
Few things have happened... among them... Roleplaying. And... Reading... and... writing (of emails)... and... eating... and cooking... and...
I also bought a bottle of Grand Marnier and a bottle of Martell VS and I now am able to create my fav mix: Faja Dorada. It has a nice kick and sets your body on fire. ;) And it is also one of those drinks that are good at any time of the year.
Each, of course, on its own is delicious.
Anyway, catch you soon.
Friday, February 09, 2007
In a bit of a hurry, so I'll update this same post later...
BAFTA Awards
So the time has come for the BAFTAs. To be honest I have just watched a couple over the years, and it was because someone else found them interesting. I didn't really see how some of the videos could win anything at all other than a one way ticket to the gallows for the staff and cast, but this year something different has happened.
First off, let me point out that the BAFTA Awards are the Biggest film and television awards in the United Kindom. It is a significant experience and honor to be elected to participate.
Becky, who made a short film, has been elected to be one of the 15 finalists to compete for supremacy on the BAFTAs, her video which can be found [here] was first elected as a regional champion and now, this sunday she'll be in Leicester Square rubbing shoulders with famous producers and directors. If you look carefully at the video you might see a cameo by Stacey, Sam, Ross and yours trully, in it! ^^
Best of luck, Becky! We're routing for you! WIN! WIN!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Ok, ok, so I HAD intended to make an earlier post, but so many PERSONAL things have happened that it has been a serious roller-coaster over here. Good news, Bad news and very surprising news have piled up, but at last, here it is.
New Year was quiet this time, but enjoyable, and again I cooked up a storm, and Stacey made a delicious Apple Pie to finish off dinner.
There have been some developments, such as me getting a real job (finally) and Essays still hanging around my head. Lectures have started again, much to my delight/disgust and life slowly will seep back into a routine :P
I sent lots if not all of you Christmassy-New Year emails so I hope you got them! Anyway, if you didn't get it or it got somehow sent to the SPAM folder... I do wish you all a good New Year. (Well, all except "Me!me!" who's pissed me off so often with her selfish ways.)
Im posting a picture of how the dinner looked like (before the massacre):
Coca-Cola, Champagne, Wines, Beer (Old Speckled Hen)... my much-loved roast chicken with potatoes, and an escalopes/asparagus/bacon entree... it was a very nice dinner. :) I'm quite proud of it.