It is! June, I mean, and lot's of things have happened...
First I will say this: I will only buy a DS when these come out:

In other news: I moved out of my flat, finally. And now... I don't have an internet connection, so, don't be surprised to see me even less than usual. On the bright side, the lack of internet has allowed me to start writing properly again. It is remarkable just how much time can be wasted between waiting for pages to load or someone to answer an email/instant message.
But that's back on track now, and I hope that it keeps up!

As you can see Elena Roger played (the one in blue) a character in this one. This time, she played an Italian (which, was slightly amusing since I was reminded by Stacey that an Italian man had played an Argentinian character in Evita) she is the Italian Air Hostess Gabriella.
We were also fortunate to have seen Patricia Hodge as Bertha (the maid). She is soon to be replaced by Rhea Perlman (who was in the movie Taxi with Danny DeVito)
On the German side of the story, Doon Mackichan plays Gretchen, and she IS scary at the same time as she is funny. If you think they're falling into cliches don't worry, evey character has enough originallity by themselves, except possibly the American, Gloria, played by Amy Nuttall reveals to be 100% American inthe last part of the play, but I will not spoil it for those that might want to go watch it. Adrian Dunbar (Bernard) and Neil Stuke (Robert) make you laugh constantly through their antics as the city boy and country boy :) Definate must see.

On another note, we ALSO went to watch The Complete Works of William Shakespear (Abrigued) by the Reduced Shakespear Company (of three guys.) While it was not as funny as Boeing Boeing for some people, I will say that it was funny in a different way. It was more slapstick and a basic knowledge of Shakespear is certainly required if you want to get most of the jokes, but it is fast paced and before you know it, you have gone through 37 plays in 96 minutes.
Amusing and worth watching. They have other interesting sounding plays, such as "Starwars Trilogy (Abridged)" Done by one man. Alone.
In any case, should more intersting stuff happen, I will update this post. Later!