Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Airports and Fanatics

On this blog I have mentioned on several occasions how useless and pointless and many other “something-less” airport security measures were up to this point in time.

I spoke to airport security officials about it from time to time, experts on the field, engineers that designed the x-ray machines and such... and now I stand vindicated when it was proven that all of the measures amount to nothing if people don't try to do their jobs with a bit of professionalism and consistency.

So, everyone is aware of the Detroit “terrorist attack” perpetrated by a Nigerian youth that, according to recent news, “felt lonely and ignored." If feeling depressed was a valid excuse to blow people up then fair enough, but it isn't.

It is slightly annoying to find out that the reason this came to be was because some random asshole didn't check that Mr. Farouk was ALREADY in the list of terrorist suspects and let him on the plane.

There are many things wrong with that. First, on a personal level, that kid should have known that when your previously supporting family draws a line and informs the government that you are a terrorist maybe you have some issues.

That does not happen simply because you complained about Christians or decided to become Muslim... it takes a bit more and it requires really worrying attitudes. I mean... your own father reported you. Get a hint.

So, what did he achieve with this foolhardy attitude? Well... being sent to a hospital with the guy that knocked him down and... now people have been banned from reading books on the last hour of the flight... or using a blanket.... or holding a baby.

Yes, Mr. Farouk, your attempt at a jihad only ended up bringing really pathetic “security” measures and also makes people laugh in disbelief when they are told about them.

Not that that can be all blamed on Mr. Farouk. He didn't tell them to make up useless rules, in fact he only brought to light that people at the airport where he departed were not doing their jobs and that inspired the quacks at homeland security to emerge from their cubicles laughing manically with new “improvements” for the security of passengers.

I am sure that reading a copy of the “The Secret Garden” is going to be a serious threat to national security and god/goddess/entity/nothing out there forbid a mother holding her child!

How is it that it is illegal to drive around in a car with a child of a certain age without a specialized seat and it is not only legal but now encouraged to put it on a random, adult-sized seat in an airplane about to land? What if the baby gets loose from under the belt and the movement of the plane sends him rolling down the aisle?

And what does the TSA representative has to say about the incongruousness of these “security measures”? According to the Associated Press, it was a verbatim: "It keeps them guessing”

So, in a combination of inadequate performance of duty and a depressed youth that rather than off himself somewhere decided to take others of a different religious inclination with him in the ultimate act of self-serving egoistical whim (which I think is also against the rules written down by the prophet, but well, don't quote me on that) we are all inconvenienced. Well done.

This also brings out something else to rant about... Personally, I don't think having a religion is a bad thing. Be it Christian, or Muslim or Wicca, your religious beliefs are pretty much a choice in life-style that will affect how you interact with people, as such choices do.

However, those same groups have what we call “Fanatics” and to be clear they don't come only in “Main Religious Colors” no, there are Wicca/Pagan fanatics, just the same as there are Atheist Fanatics.

Fanaticism is, after all, not limited to people that pray, it is a blend of absolute, unquestionable, unbending and fastidious belief in an idea... equally encountered in “God exists” and “God doesn't exist”

I am much less afraid of the average Muslim than I am of the average Christian Fanatic. In fact, I am not afraid at all of the average Muslim. But I do feel threatened by the average Christian Fanatic.

And it is not because they are “right” or I am afraid to see the “truth” but rather because they are more likely to invade my personal space with their BS and encourage me to retaliate by introducing my elbow to their kidney.

The danger out there with religion has never been its existence. I have heard some people say “blame it on religion” but that's simply not how it works. You can argue the validity of religion, but you cannot blame the stupidity and single mindedness of fanatics on it.

Both the Bible and the Koran have simple and good advice in their pages. As books, they are also to be taken in context. Things have changed, a fact that the Fanatic does not understand.

Change is part of the stories and in their own time that change was what causes [some] contradictions to pop up in it. It is the blind acceptance of the literal that creates hate towards the different or interpretative.

Take the whole Palestine and Israel thing going on. It has even gotten to the point of not being anything more than a brawl of “I want this to be mine!” and “I won't share!”

Although people make jokes about Scientology, I bet not even half of them are as wild eyed and crazy-looking as Tom Cruise was on that spiel about Psychologists. Nor, for that matter do I believe all “Satanists” are actually sacrificing children as people tend to imagine. The ones that do that are not only mentally unstable, they are also fanatics.

I honestly tire of the “You are one of these: choose a group/hobby/life-style from list A therefore you are automatically this: choose an adjective from list B” approach.

List A

List B

















And sadly it is not only fed by the fanatics of the groups that are being “classified," but also socially acceptable to some degree.

It is comfortable and easy to set yourself to an idea and make it your belief because admitting to the fact that you just might be wrong makes you think and generally you tend to find that you are wrong about something. So people feel fit to conform their surroundings into simple black and white.

Because, no matter what everyone says, no matter how much a “law” is written down on stone... there is ALWAYS gray.

A person will simplify another individual's existence by putting them in categories they can make fun of and demoralize to feel superior. What other point is there in criticizing a hobby than to assure yourself on some level that you are not as pathetic as you perceive others that have it to be? What other point is there in dehumanizing a follower of a different religion than to make yourself look wiser or more holly?

So if you want to say that religion is what messed up today, maybe you should consider that the real reason the world is messed up today on many levels is because of religious fanaticism in some way or another. Not from a single faith. Not by a single group. And certainly not by the majority.

Just like a small mistake is more easily remembered by your peers than most of your achievements, the few religious fanatics that go ahead and kill others before dying or prove how much they are unbending and say it is a proof of “faith” before dying are even less dangerous than the idiotic religious fanatics that turn them into martyrs or use them as an example.

The problem with some religious fanatics is that their devotion to a single cause makes others look up to them (which is the other side of the problem: gullible idiots) and follow their lead in blind-faith to a certain bloody result.

Contrary to some people's beliefs it is different when people fight a battle for lands because they NEED the lands to grow crops than when people decide to invade another country because their “god” told them so. Which, also translates into attacking and killing innocent people in the name of religion.

The fact that some people don't understand how that is wrong is depressing by itself.

Hell, even if their tactics are pretty much useless and have proven to be not fool-proof at least the “anti-terrorist countries” try to go (or at least they claim to go) for the terrorists and their leaders, rather than shooting civilians to try to get to them.

Whereas what we get from terrorists is how they are going to win by killing all infidels (aka everyone else), which by the way at this points means the same as “heathens” so just because Christian fanatics don't tie bombs to their bodies yet don't think you are too far away from doing it too.

Like with swords and guns, you cannot blame the use of religion on religion itself. It is the people that use it that are to blame and religion gets judged along with them.

It is not the average Christian, Jew or Muslim that accuses Television or Video Games (on TV, no less) of bringing out evil and mayhem in people, or that it causes them to want to kill others.

The average believer of any religion will not feel threatened by change, because their faith evolves with them. It is just the Fanatics that cannot and will not understand that their frame of mind has been left behind.

This is not a world of Fanatic vs Fanatic. It is about the Fanatics vs the Rest of Us. The more we allow fanaticism to grow, the more intolerance and and bigotry is allowed to express itself in violence and we not only stop it or cut it off at the bud, but condone it and cheer it on, then the more this world is going to sink and drag the rest of us down with it.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Whoever is aware of Mexico's newest Tax proposal (a 3% Tax on IT including INTERNET access) might be reminded of the infamous quote,"We are on the border of the abyss... but today we will take a firm step forward!" (loose translation)

Seriously, as if the place wasn't already seen as a pit technology-wise. Where companies hesitate to even consider sending video games to home owners and a depressing number of children haven't even learned how to type on a keyboard... Now we have a bunch of obviously computer/internet-illiterate politicians who believe that forcing a tax on the internet is going to be beneficial.

Haven't they considered that Mexico already is really expensive already for really low quality services? That by doing that, people that have to go to Internet Cafes will have to pay even more for the short time they use the computers? That some schools might consider passing the chance for a connection to reduce costs? That the INEGI once pointed out that people who earned less than minimum wage were the owners of about half of the computers in the country? What will this tax do to them?

What about people that will hesitate to continue having it, despite the need their children might have of it? Computer Illiteracy in Mexico is pretty wide-spread, and making it more difficult to reach is not going to solve it.

They might as well build a real wall on the borders (both north and south), prohibit interactions with the rest of the world and fester in their own stupidity. But we cannot pretend that this is new, Mexico has previous history of stupidity in Taxes, as I am sure every country in the world does to some level... take the British Tax over owning TVs for example.

Those familiar with Mexican Taxes might also remember the "Tenencia" a "temporary" Tax introduced in 1962 by former President Adolfo Lopez Mateos to pay for the projected costs of the 1968 Olympic Games to be held in Mexico City.

This tax became so convenient that the government completely "forgot" that it was a temporary measure and as such it carried on irritating everyone that owned a vehicle, until recently, when President Calderon finally put down a termination date- by the 1st January in 2012, (which is also the Mayan Year for the "End of the World" as sensationalists like to call it) it will be gone. Supposedly.

So, what is the response to it? Well, in the long history of rather useless shows of solidarity, instead of marching (which would have been just as useless as it always is in Mexico) people decided to Twitter messages of discomfort about the tax.

Now. I don't have a problem with this method of complaint. In fact, I think it is better than messing up the traffic of Mexico City even more for such random causes as, I don't know, still supporting AMLO (classic show of downright stupidity.)

My problem is that they have stopped. Just like the marches, once they have done it, people tend to feel better about themselves and simply forget to check up on it believing that they have said their share and that is enough.

I say put pressure on the bastards and force their hand. They are elected officials -that means that they can be kicked out by the people that elected them.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Everyone wants something, be it fame or fortune, or any of the many other things that bother us in life and we have yet to achieve.

Sometimes we have part of it, just in our reach and it goes away, and in those times the choice is either the simple one, walk away... or the hard one, reach for it again.

When you do reach again, and again for it, tension builds. People expect things from you, but worse, you demand from yourself to grasp it, because it is *just* there. And sometimes, you cannot do it, not because you lack the strength or the intelligence or the drive- sometimes things happen that set you back and make you feel like a fool. Sometimes it takes longer than you want, and sometimes it surprises you how quickly it works out.

When you are betting everything on chance; when things are looking like there is no way you will manage to do things in time, when the people you hope would stand by you don't and you only receive accusatory looks or remarks...

What else is there to do but stand up, bear and grin it and march over again to try and get that which eludes you?

There will be some that will judge you. There will be some that will make fun of you. There will be some that will try to diminish everything you try to do... but in the end, you only answer to yourself.

People will always judge and pretend to know what is best for you or even assume that they know you better than you do. If you are afraid to stand up even if you might fall yet again, you have no business trying.

If history has taught us something it is that everyone looks at the same object and sees two different things. I'd rather see hope than despair. I'd rather see chance than stagnation. I'd rather say "I'm getting there" than "I'm quitting."

But that's just me.

Friday, September 04, 2009

MORE Politcal BS from the Extreme GOP and Co.

So, now some Reps in the USA are complaining (big surprise) about Obama telling children to make an effort in school and study.

To those guys, and the teachers and principals and government officials that are going to block a non-political statement encouraging children to better themselves, I can only ask this: "Just-how-stupid-can-you-really-get?"

If you don't want your children to get an education or get inspired to go get more, don't send them to school!

Now, about the Health Care...

First of all, for those people (Hard-Core Republican and otherwise) that complain about how Obama has no right to pass the bill without the consent of Congress, read this: George Bush: Commander in Chief

It is annoying to say the least just how much BS is being talked about the current President over nonsense.

First, (unlike his predecessor) he shows respect and an attempt at joint work by going the extra mile to get bi-partisan approval, and what does he get? Attacks and derision, not even on the results of his bill, but mostly on the basis of partisan choice.

So what does that mean? In simpler terms, the reason the Hard-Core Republican politicians complain about it, is not because it is bad for the country; they complain because it comes from the Democrats.

So, what about the masses? Well, let's see. First off, they are easily influenced by whatever some asshole in a suit says. Don't believe me? Just look at the "Pulling the plug on Grandma" quote reactions.

That's just the paranoia of the uninformed being fed to the credulous masses. Where is the truth in that? Have you read the statement of what the plan hopes to accomplish? What the goals are?

Health Care is excessively expensive in the USA. STUPIDLY expensive. Do you think any economy can work if the people that don't have much money have to suffer or even die because they cannot afford Health Care? So, making it cheaper is bad? How?

Let me tell you before you answer... you will say, "well, it needs more money injected to work" and my answer to that is: "What the hell doesn't require money to work?"

You complain about Afganistan. And how things are bad there... for a war that was started by George Bush... and then diverted to "free" Iraq (we can see how well off they are not) and then went back to the "original" purpose.

People, don't forget, with all the BS and excuses he used to divert your minds, that it has been proven that the White House knew about the terrorist attacks that happened in the US. Newspapers around the world published it!

You call Obama a Socialist and compare him to Hitler. Of all things. How much bullshit can you really come up with? Really? If you had ANYONE that could have been compared in certain actions to Hitler, it is not Barak Obama.

Let's face it, little boys and girls: things didn't get this way just because Obama became president... this comes from before...

So, here's a question for you to consider: While Bill Clinton was in office taking the US into the best economic growth in 30 years during his presidency. George Bush came in and left it in the worse shape it has been in 60. DO THE MATH!

If you are going to be blaming the presidents for the Economy, then you have to look to the origin of the problem, not blame it on the current president.

Monday, August 31, 2009


The last few days in SLO have been burning hot.

I think that heat is much worse than cold. Yes, your nose freezes in the cold, yes, you tremble and yes, it is normally darker and less appealing (at times) to go out. BUT! When it is cold you simply dress up. You choose warm clothes to put on, and you do so. And you heat up, while outside the cold breeze helps you enjoy it. If you are cold, you cover yourself more until you are not.

However, when it is hot, you have to deal with it. Other than activating the air conditioning, or drinking ungodly amounts of water, there is really not much you can do. And if you don't have those, you will start cooking in your own juices soon enough. There is not much you can do... you can take off your shirt, then your pants, then you are naked... and the heat seems to build up. You HAVE to go out, there is no other way around it, or suffer.

When it is cold outside, you grab a book, get covered in something or turn on the fire, heater, whatever. If it gets too warm, you lower the temperature and let the cold do its job. You make hot chocolate, you eat marshmallows, you prepare a nice warm dinner.

When its hot, you never have enough to drink to get results. Cold water doesn't cool you down the way a hot tea warms you up. Cold drinks, while nice, don't really do their jobs. Yeah, you could drink Gatorade and be healthier, and yes, it is definitely good for you to replenish your electrolites, but it is not going to cool you down that effectively.

Now, there is always the vacation spot thoughts: If it is hot, you go to the pool, the beach, the mall, stay out of the sun, cook outside, lie down and get a tan, etc.

But, what if you don't have a pool? And even if you did, how often will you swim? Are you going to spend every day tanning or swimming when you have to work, cook and do other things? Going to the beach, unless you live just on the shore is another thing that is basically only on the weekends, as is the mall. BBQ (and my readers know how much I love doing it) is great, but between the heat from the grill and the sun, you don't want to do it the next day. Let's face it, even Bobby Flay will probably not grill outside every day.

Besides, it is not really affordable!

Staying out of the sun is great in concept, but again, unless you have air conditioning, at 110 it gets very, very uncomfortable. While I will not even go to the point of comparing it to deserts and such (since, well, they are deserts and let's face it, whining about the heat to a desert-dweller is, well, stupid) I will say that I can't wait for winter to freeze my toes.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Truthiness of the G.O.P.

One has to wonder what the hell goes through the minds of Hard-core Republicans these days.

The GOP (which, despite popular belief does not mean "Gathering Of Pretenders") has time and again demonstrated their excessively conservative views in outright stupidity to the point where it is almost not funny anymore.

Yes, democrats like to laugh it off since if taken seriously, it would probably start another civil war! But, there is a limit. Whenever racist attitudes come out, Hard-Core Republicans are fast to remind the rest of the world that good ol' Lincoln was a Republican... but that was back in 1861, when the beliefs of Republicans were the same as Democrats today... imagine that.

We (the world) had become used to the Hard-Core Republican ways under the leadership (snicker) of George W. Bush, where the policy was to answer with variations of the word "terror" to just about any question out there, IF they ever got an answer. "Vague" was the theme, and during those times, things like the Patriot Act and torture under the pretense of "Protecting the USA from Terrorists" made the USA seem more like Nazi Germany than the "Land of the Free".

But now, it seems that the Republican "Machine of Fear" has transformed into a new form... that of senseless and rather childish attitudes.

President Obama has been under constant attack by Republicans who claim that were it McCain in his place, it would have been the same situation... please... don't put the rest of us down with your credulous masses.

Would you have asked McCain for proof of his birth on American soil?
Would you have made up a false Birth Certificate (from a country that didn't exist) to try and start a debate?
Would you be chasing after McCain to fulfill the campaign promises he made whilst in the middle of a depression created and perpetrated and not prevented by G.W. Bush?
Would you be accusing him of being a socialist?
Would you say that the posters of him being depicted as the Joker are admissible as a form of "free speech"
No. ( Especially with the history Republicans have had of destroying and mutating free speech.)

Most Republicans I know seem to have an attitude of wanting President Obama to fail. There is this underlying current of speaking up and pointing how he is acting like a "Rock Star" and not doing his job...

Let's analyze that for a moment... So, it is okay for George W. Bush to literally have a several month vacation at the very beginning of his presidency, but it is not okay for Obama to help improve the USA's International Perception at the same time he tries to push his changes? Hm.

All I see is Republicans WHINING about whether what Obama is doing is to their liking or not. Throwing terms like "Obama Inflation" trying to scare others into their system of beliefs... (Sort of like, you will go to hell if you don't believe what I do) But I don't see any attempts in favor of productivity.

To those Republicans out there that like so much to say "Obama is not doing this..." well, let me remind you that if George W. Bush had done what most of the world wanted, he wouldn't have survived the pretzel.

As a bonus, I leave you this: The Illegitimate Grandson of an Alligator (Just my luck that it was the only video with no "embed" code)


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You knew it would come...

So, Michael Jackson is dead and people debate on whether there is too much hype about it. What I would just like to point out to them is that MJ was, after all, the last of those artists that were at any one point comparable to Elvis or the Beatles (or Jesus). Of course there is going to be a lot of hype: since MJ there has been no-one to reach that amount of comparison or recognition... can you imagine someone saying with a straight face: "If Justin Timberlake died he would be bigger than Elvis"? of course not. Nor for that matter any other singer since then.

So what I really hope not to see are the opportunists that will try to make use of the hype to create attention to themselves with false MJ related claims that will be investigated and turned out to be nothing more than some idiot trying to get attention.

Chicago - SLO - L.A.

So as many as you guys know I have been traveling around. I visited Chicago for a couple of weeks, went to my first ever Baseball game (White Sox!) and went out boating.
When I got to San Luis Obispo things quickly piled up with a lot of things to do! I accompanied a group from Cal Poly on a tour of Los Angeles.
I learned a lot about what City Planning is and how it really affects lives. I was guided through the city by people from the Planning Department of City Hall, people from the Transportation Department, and others.
I learned about the L.A. architecture, the changes it has lived through, and I stayed at both East L.A. and Beverly Hills.
I also went to a Dodgers game there!
Back in San Luis Obispo I got a chance to show off my cooking skills and got to enjoy and appreciate the difference between really fresh off-the-garden fruits and vegetables and the supermarket variety. To the point that I actually started enjoying beets. (Which I formerly hated)
Now as rough days in the airport and tough luck with planes has modified my plans a little bit, I am preparing to return to Mexico soon, but I forsee a quick return to California.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Travel begins with a thermal camera

First time I've ever seen a thermal camera... I never expected it to be in the Mexico City International Airport!
But it is there... which is quite amusing, you get to pose only for a guy to usher you in. The Influenza scare is still fresh in Mexico's mind, the radio comes up with apocalyptic warnings: don't let your guard down!
It's, I imagine, a bit how the Cold War was, or the Cuban Missile Scare... keep out an eye for commies! Don't let Russian Spies thrive amongst us! Report them!
One good thing out of this is that it most likely increased the amount of people that will actually wash their hands regularly.
I think my views on the actual inflenza scare are well documented here (just scroll down) so I will leave it there.

Security here has also increased from what it used to be... it is quite annoying too. For example, we all know that regardless of where you are, most airports have a basic rule: if you bring liquids with you, they better be in your check-in bag, or you will have to dump them. If you want a coke, or a coffee you can drink it all before going through security (inadvisable as last minute rushes through it will make you miss the flight) or you go through the check-up and THEN buy it.
Here however, you go through the check-up (x-rays, take the laptop out of the bag, put coins and your belt on a tray, security personnel checking to make sure you are not slipping through drugs or something and/or making you throw into the trash whatever they might frown upon) then you can CONSUME some products.
Unlike the USA where you can buy stuff like drinks inside the airport and carry them into the airplane itself, over here they insist on a second "layer" of "security" where whatever you bought that was not "Duty Free" (and therefore given to you once past them) is taken away and thrown out. So you end up losing money if you didn't gobble down your drink.

Another layer of security which I consider pretty much useless over here is the X-ray machine that checks your bags just before you leave the airport (on arrival). Not because I think the machines are useless, but because you put your bags through the machine and THEN you still have to push the green button for a random chance to get your bags checked.
What irks me about this is that they already checked your bags (all of them) on the X-ray machine. So, theoretically they know exactly what you have in your bags. What is the point in forcing you to "randomly" submit to yet ANOTHER search. Heck, the wait for the bags is annoying enough without having to stand in line for double-check-ups.

Anyway, regardless of this airport rant I am glad to be on the "road" again.

So, for now I bid you all good bye and invite those of you that read Spanish to check out Vilrandir's amusing (and true) post about Raquel Levinstein and "Quantum Psychology"



Saturday, May 09, 2009

The last Vestiges...

Vestiges by the way, means: 1 a (1): a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something (Merriam-Webster) for those Evangelical Republicans out there that might frown at the strange word. (Click the link for the MW online entry)

Haven't you all noticed how the "SWINE FLU" terror cloud is slowly dispersing? Oh, sure, there are a bit more cases being identified around the world, but what happened with the Global Pandemic? Is the WHO still saying anything else about it other than how "Better Prepared" we are for an Influenza Pandemic? "Normal" influenza has killed thousands more than this "potentially devastating strain" (which was later found to be really not that aggressive) and they turned the whole thing into another SARS or Avian Flu scenario.

Let's face it people, we were scammed. Not only did the virus NOT originate in Mexico, but in the US (In San Diego California) and also NOT with a Mexican Immigrant... even better, there are studies that suggest that it has been floating around since September 2008... it's just that nobody noticed.

Mexico City closed off and left most of us stranded here (for the time being) completely bored out of our minds. No eternal coffee! In the meantime, there was enough panic to distract people from laws being passed or changed.

Now, I am not saying that this whole thing was a plan by the government to mess up the lives of literally millions of people, however, I do think that it is a prime example of the lack of capacity leaders here have. They blew the whole thing out of proportion, (something that is echoed in the states too by people such as Michelle Bachman, who Blamed Swine Flu on Obama) and created Global Panic (which is not quite the same as Global Pandemic)

What ended up happening is that it fed fear to those assholes out there (i.e. Jay Severin, or the Chinese Government Department in charge of the imports) who rather than inform themselves will point fingers and blame others to feel empowered in their twisted perception of the world.

So, all in all it was a messed-up affair and the world just pointed fingers at Mexico because it was convenient (Not that Mexico was completely blameless or anything) instead on focusing on a real investigation.

All we (the world) got in return was fear, ostracizing, and millions of dollars lost. So, please, stop sending those stupid "informative" emails about what we can and cannot do to avoid Voldemort... I mean, the Swine Flu.

Monday, May 04, 2009

So China isn't discriminating?

China in all its thousand-year-old wisdom has decided to state that they are not discriminating by basically shoving any Mexican that arrives there into isolation. Thousands of years of Philosophy and teachings reveal that even the current Chinese government has forgotten the words of their very own Confucius when he said: "Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself." otherwise known as THE GOLDEN RULE

I guess that entitles the rest of the world to do the same to them with their next Toxic Candy or Avian Flu scare.

2010 - Year of the (Possibly Sick) Tiger

"Here is my passport."
"Chinese? Please, step on this line. Be prepared for everything you own to be searched, and for blood samples to be taken. In the meantime, you will stay in this little gray room with every other Chinese that comes to the country."
"But... that's discrimination against my people!"
"Oh no, it's not discrimination, you see... it is a natural, perfectly justifiable way of preserving our country safe from whatever it is that you bring with you. We have also decided to kill every single Sichuan Partridge under the radar and to burn all the candy from the last 17 years that came from your country."
"But I feel fine?! And why would you kill that bird?"
"What? You don't feel ill? Well, you are Chinese you see... and birds have flu there. And candy is toxic. Now, step on the line."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Well, your government taught us this was the rational, educated way of preventing illness from spreading. It's not personal. Now strip please."
"This is an outrage! I demand to speak with my Ambassador!"
"You will. He's in the gray room too."
"But... that other person was also on the plane, he was coughing and sneezing and he hasn't been stopped!"
"Yeah... but you see... he's German. Sorry."

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu and Panic


So Swine Flu or Influenza has been the topic of choice for the last few days. When things got pretty hot in the city I was out, and on the way back I was kindly given a face mask by a police officer upon my return to the Mexico City limits.

My mask, of course was not so nice looking, but rather one of the blue ones that look like diapers.

The previous day we had found that people were rising the price of the Face Masks on the small towns outside the city. It is this mercenary-like profiteering that makes me know that Mexico City will survive, and although I am sure at least one person out there would rather see me catch the Flu, shrivel up and die, well, I guess "S" will have to wait for that to happen.

What has really got me going is some of the world reactions. I can understand the assholes that think preventing Mexicans from leaving the country will stop it completely -they are uneducated fools that don't even bother to watch the news to find out that it doesn't work that way, much less look for information on their own.

It is actually some of the Governments that have surprised me with their excessive zealousness. Countries such as China and Russia that actually decided that stopping pork meat imports would prevent the flu.

Even after THE WHO explained in minute detail that eating Pork meat does NOT cause the flu or comes even close to being a danger (unless it is undercooked, but that is another cookie altogether.) Is this an attempt from China to point fingers and say "See?! Tainted food products come from other places too!" and give back as much grief as they received with their TOXIC CANDY? Or simply a way to calm down the masses? "Yesss... trust the system..."
Not to mention the fact that this strain of Influenza is a mixture of Swine, Avian and Human Influenza. Different thing than the classic Swine Flu which was extremely hard to catch.

I think people are ignoring the fact that the best way to avoid passing on the flu to others, and contracting it is simple: Hygiene and what would be called good manners, such as putting your hand up in front of your mouth when sneezing or coughing, washing your hands, taking showers, cleaning your house, etc.

The Economy will suffer the most out of this with restaurants, and cinemas closing down (nooo! I wanted to watch the Wolverine movie!) among several other places trying to prevent spreading the virus.

Of course we are seeing a lot of people dying of Influenza in Mexico City. First, look at the ratio 2000 cases of infection versus what, 60 or so in the US? 90 World wide? Second, the deaths have not ALL been confirmed as Swine Flu being the cause or even the decisive factor. In a city known for smokers, contamination, altitude, etc, there is a high chance that those that died were not only afflicted by the Swine Flu itself, but might have been asthmatic or have another type of respiratory disease that worsened their condition. The actual CONFIRMED cases at this point have been 25.

Stick to the facts people... it seems we skipped on the Zombie Apocalypse once again...

ALSO CHECK THIS OUT: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090501/ap_on_he_me/med_swine_flu

Monday, March 16, 2009

One more year!

So today I'm 29. Wow. The last of the Twenties as a friend pointed out.

What is there to say, really? Do I feel any older than two or three days ago? Nah. I've never been much to worry about my age. Life goes on and now I have to search for new objectives. Change sometimes comes easy, sometimes hard.
Fighting to achieve something and being pulled down a few pegs by lack of employment or bureaucracy teaches a lot of things to a person. But the most important lesson, I think, is not to give up hope.
Job options, like life options, are all around and it is up to us to take them or not. Sometimes the smart thing to do is to stay with what you have despite how much you hate it, and sometimes it is better to let go of something that makes you so sad or angry or stressed.
So I am still moving forward, still searching for the right place to be and still writing stories. This last year has provided me with more material than before and I intent to use it until I can fulfill my dreams.
I hadn't been having many dreams until I let go of certain things... and now I have even more things to write about; more images in my head... a kaleidoscope of feelings and hopes, dreams and nightmares that can only help my writing.

So, here I am, a year older, but learning and going stronger.

My day was pretty amazing thanks to my many friends who took the time to write emails, sent text messages, leave facebook notes and go with me to a restaurant to celebrate this day! I never expected more than 3 messages but got all in all around... well, let's not brag about it :D Thanks again to those that were kind enough to think about me today!


Thursday, March 05, 2009

"One often finds his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."

Or so the quote goes.

"Yesterday is History. Tomorrow is a Mystery. But Today is a gift. That's why it's called 'Present.'"

Good luck Tiger.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


So with all the Facebook "25 things", or "Shufffle songs" quizzes going around, I got to thinking... what makes a song, any song, your favorite song? Do you identify with it? Plays a certain feeling? What makes it your favorite song? And the last thing I wonder, how does it affect your life? Does having "Defying Gravity" as your most favorite song ever really inspire you to challenge the life you have led so far?
Or "Para tu amor" give you the strength to love someone beyond space and time and with more than you can say or express?
What makes the songs important to you?

Saturday, January 24, 2009


In response to Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., saying that it is "morally wrong to take the taxpayer dollars of millions of pro-life Americans to promote abortion around the world."...

So that means that it is "morally" correct to stop people that want to help funds like these from doing it from THEIR Taxpayer money? May I remind several extremists that what these groups promote are FACTS and OPTIONS? Should I remind them that if you step into such a clinic the first thing they will tell anyone is "don't do it" and "think carefully about your OPTIONS"?

I ask you, Mr. Pence, have you even stepped into one? Or is your "morally sound" way of thinking too far above doing that? Is it that you are omniscient and know everything? The desperation, the fear some of these people suffer through?

Bush administration extremists are just like the leader you followed: narrow-minded. You want things to remain stagnant, to prohibit people in dire need of information from getting it with your "Mexico City Policy". You want to make people believe that it is morally correct to forget their lives and futures in case of a rape pregnancy? Or create more of those fanatics that say "thank God I was raped"? true, not all the people that will go there will be ignorant or have taken all the precautions they needed, but it is hardly an excuse to forbid those that DO need assistance from getting it.

No wonder your Bush Administration went along so well with Mexico's PAN party of martyrs and "morally" superior who condemn information and self awareness as almost sins and promote nothing but blindly following the "morally" correct thing to do and mess up someone's life through no fault of their own.

Here is my comparison for you, Mr. Republican. Your policy of "non-abortion" reminds me of your prior administration's xenophobic attitudes using words that struck "terror" to the hearts of those that rather naively trusted you to have an informed opinion.

You think Americans are being forced to do this against their will? Well bottom line is, sir, that it was the same for those Americans that were forced not to do it according to their will. Your worries about the Tax Payers money are a childish attempt to attack a policy you don't like, you know perfectly well that it is not the dollar that leaves the hand of the "pro-life" that goes straight into the hands of those people.

Think about it when you say "Pro Life" too. Who's life are you referring to? An unwanted childs? Or the mother that doesn't have the means or job to support even herself much less a child? I guess you can always transform BOTH their deaths by starvation into a moving story about the "right choice".

In the end, it is their choice, not yours. And as much as you detest informed people as the church detested them in the middle ages, the fact is, it is not in your hands.