First a note:
A dear friend of mine had a brain hemorrhagic episode, otherwise known by some as a stroke. My best wishes go to him and his family, so far away right now that I cannot visit, but still all dear to my heart. I know you'll be fine my friend, but know that all of us that know you will be hoping for your fast recovery!
Captain America and Tea Baggers (belated blog from a few days ago)
This is starting to feel a bit like a political-oriented rant blog... which it isn't. However, the sheer lack of logic of some individuals in the political war-zone that we face today just feeds my annoyance and therefore merits a rant.
In this occasion, I've taken offense with the "Teabaggers" otherwise known as the extreme-right ultra-conservatives. Or, according to one entry of the URBAN DICTIONARY defines them:
teabagger | ||
A whining fool shouting loudly for liberty but not willing to pay the bill. After most American workers saw more money in their paycheck due to the lower tax rate, the teabaggers at Fox News railed against high taxes, but did not discuss how much Jesus hated hypocrisy. |
(Point of note: the definition above makes a reference to one of the major teabaggers have, which is taxes. Conveniently ignoring that President Obama did indeed lower the taxes, they demand that he do so, as if he never had.)
They are probably the manifestation of what I detest in politics and all roads of life- extremists. Oh, how do I rant and rave about extremists!
Now, to clear things up, I don't think the issues that they have trouble with are stupid... I just think that their understanding of the actual issues and their approach to dealing with them is, well, dubious to put it blandly.
Also, another point of note is that they are not necessarily Republicans! This rant has nothing to do with the GOP, being that a lot of them do NOT condone the actions of Teabaggers in general.
Anyway, by today, you might have heard about the reaction to Captain American #602 where one panel shows a protester with a sign that ties them to the Tea Baggers.
Quoting: "Tea Bag the Libs Before they Tea Bag You!"
According to Joe Quesada there was no intention of putting a direct reference to the Teabaggers in the issue. You can find his exact answer (as well as a very unflattering photograph of the original protester looking like a complete r*****) in THIS INTERVIEW. Of course if we believe FOX NEWS, it was all intentional and a premeditated chastising of the Teabbaggers.
But really... who believes FN?
My problem with Teabaggers is their amazing ability to claim the most dubious and sometimes outrageous things... and protest about them. Never mind that polls by real news networks and news papers have proven that only a dramatically (or should that be ridiculously?) low amount of Teabaggers actually know what the movement is about- seriously, doubting that Global Warming is a real issue?
How much scientific proof do you need?
I mean, George Berkin might disagree that it is a reality because he ended up in a snowstorm in Jersey and well, when someone tells you that snow is an effect of warming (heat)... unless you are unfamiliar with basic physics, possess absolutely no knowledge of weather and how atmospheric pressure and wind work and create climate changes (or possess the ability to blatantly ignore it), well you just might believe the same.
But what could that prove anyway? It's just science... it doesn't feel the people of America and their necessities and "real" problems. Unlike political parties.
But seriously, it's getting out of hand!
It would be hypocritical of me to say: "Shut the hell up about what you dislike!" (given the nature of this blog) but it is about time they realize that deluding themselves, hiding behind their ignorance and advocating for causes that are aimed to destroy rather than build is not going to benefit anyone, including them!
So, I while won't tell Teabaggers to "SHUT THE HELL UP!" I will tell them to "GET REAL!"