Sunday, April 01, 2007


It was my Birthday in March, as you might know. Nothing new happened. I didn't sprout wings or horns, and/or discovered latent mutant powers. So, all in all I am just another year old. Bleh.

I did spend a fun time with Stacey, Sam and Becky though :)

Few things have happened... among them... Roleplaying. And... Reading... and... writing (of emails)... and... eating... and cooking... and...

I also bought a bottle of Grand Marnier and a bottle of Martell VS and I now am able to create my fav mix: Faja Dorada. It has a nice kick and sets your body on fire. ;) And it is also one of those drinks that are good at any time of the year.

Each, of course, on its own is delicious.

Anyway, catch you soon.